Some may call it a Murse (man purse). Some may call it a Swag Bag; But whatever you wanna call it, the bottom line is this…these bags are causing a serious stir in the fashion industry! Metro-sexual's around the world are cheering because they can finally carry something, bigger than a wallet, to carry their things in. Personally,when I first heard of the Murse (Man Purse), I thought that it was ridiculous and that the idea would be tossed away like an old handbag...something that would come and go as quickly as it ran through my thoughts. However, this phenomena is really catching on and is something to be taken very seriously. Gucci, Burberry and Louis Vuitton have invested a tremendous amount of talent, time and money developing a purse line strictly for men. Because these designers have invested so much money into this experiment, I decided to really evaluate whether or not this trend would be socially acceptable. After much thought and consideration, I've decided that the "murse" , although controversial, does offer some advantages to women. Men can finally stop asking their girlfriends and/or wives to put things, they don't want to carry, in their purses! Another advantage is, when men get tired of carrying the murse, their girlfriends or wives can use it as an overnight bag or luggage. But seriously, I think a man can chicly pull off a murse but only if he is very confident in his manhood and he has alot of swagger! I think that the "murse" will began to grow on people. I believe the design patterns resembles luggage or briefcases, this was a very good concept because I think it will ease people into the idea of a man carrying a handbag. Some celebrities have embraced the trend as well. Bow Wow, Timberland and Terrance Howard all seem comfortable carrying these swag bags. I don't know if this trend will become a staple but what I do know is...it takes a very confident, secure and good-looking man to carry off this look. So to all you men out there...precede with caution!
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