Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Trend Alert: Reality TV...The New Soap Operas??

With the cancelation of longtime daytime soap operas such as "Guiding Light" and "As The World Turns", many viewers are wondering what to expect from daytime TV. Recently, it has been announced that "The Real HouseWives of Atlanta may be taking over the time slot once held by one of these popular soap operas. This leaves me asking the question, "Is Realty TV replacing Soap Operas as the new daytime trend?"
Although reality television is suppose to be real life events as it is happening, these television dramedies are more like soap operas than actual real life situations. I was just watching Chloe and Kourtney tales Miami yesterday and the question of authenticity arose. On this episode, an employee of the Dash store that the Kardashins own, was having a "private" conversation with one of the other employees about her possibly having Herpes and instructed the friend "not to tell anyone". Are you kidding? You are on national television announcing to the world that you have Herpes and you are telling your friend not to tell anyone?! I really don't believe that moving reality shows to daytime is a worth while strategy. Although they are entertaining and comical, I think that it is to brash and too much of an emotional overload in the morning! Soap Operas are filled with drama, intrigue and betrayal as well, however, it is something that is not suppose to be real and it allows you to live in another world temporary. The Real HouseWives, Chole and Kourtney, Jersey Shore etc.. have too much profanity and fighting for my taste for a morning program. Tell me what you think. Leave a comment below!
Chicago is on to something huge! I recently visited the South Loop Hotel on 28th and State Street in Chicago Illinois because I heard that they were featuring a band that was totally hot! When I stepped into the venue, I was immediately captivated and mesmerized by the sultry sounds of the band and the crowd of women that evidently assembled to hear the music and to get the attention of the eye candy featured on stage! The band took me back to places where good music usually takes you. They played hits from The Police, Depche Mode, Rolling Stones, Little Wayne, and SADE but added their Add Imageown flavor to these popular tunes. The Band is presently working on their album, "From the Basement to the Boulevard" which will be featured this Fall. But until then and before they blow up, you can get a front row seat twice a month at the South Loop Hotel beginning at 8:00pm. The band will be playing again om Friday, July 30, 2010. Come and join me!!!

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Add ImageWhile everyone is going GaGa over everything yellow, The nude shoe, has quietly and delicately emerged as my “must have” for the 2010 spring/summer season. Although nude clothing was cited as a necessary item in every fashionista’s closet, the nude shoe was understated in most mags but has become, for me a timeless classic like the little black dress and stilettos! Nude shoes are the perfect neutral so you can pair them with any color. The nude shoe is an affordable classic that you should definitely invest in!