Monday, February 7, 2011

Spring Fling!

After, the great Blizzard of 2011 last week in Chicago, and eminent storms being predicted, I can't wait until the spring! I love spring time in Chicago. I love the smell of the spring flowers blooming, the warm days and cool nights and most of all...I love the spring/summer fashions! There are great trends emerging and I want to share some of my must-haves for the season.

1. BLUE JEANS: Blue jeans never really went out of style; they are just continuously being reinvented. Straight leg jeans will still be in style for the spring, however, wide leg jeans will be the hot thing this year. Industry insiders also predict that long blue jean skirts have also made appearances on spring/summer runway shows.
2. LACE: I am such a big fan of lace; and I am glad that it is on the mind of most designers this season. Lace is feminine and sexy. In a world where "ladies" are sometimes an aberration, this addition to the spring/summer trends makes the woman, a little softer and demure...a much need change!
3. Minimalism:
The spring summer season of 2011 is not all about busy vibrant prints and complicated patterns as seen in previous seasons. It's all about the minimalist! Classic clean cuts, basic colors and patterns are a welcomed change. Designers are approaching this trend in a variety of different ways. Clean lines, architectural angles and perspectives are a wonderful alternative for those of us who are fans of a simpler and more versatile look.

4. SHOES : Shoes play a very important role in style. There are a variety of shoe designs available to choose from this season. Wooden heels, platforms, leopard skins and architectural designs are all the rave this season. Shoe trends change from season to season so I would suggest that you don't spend too much on these trends. However, have fun and explore because shoes make every woman feel like a million bucks!
These are just a few of my picks this season. Find out what trends suit you and define your own style because that is what fashion and being stylish is all about!