In order to be an expert shopper and an authentic fashionista, you must be armed with the tricks of the trade. You have to be an avid shopper, someone who lives to be fashion forward and someone who is very patient. I consider myself an expert because I live and breathe fashion and I have been at this for a long time. I want to give you guys some helpful tips so that you can maximize you style and minimize your cost.
Step 1: Have realistic expectations and goals - Know what the trends are and what your style is. Trends are sometimes age and body specific. For example, If you are 40 years old and full figured, a leopard skin jumpsuit may not be something that you would look great in. However, a nice leopard skin or snake skin handbag, or a trench coat, might be a better alternative. Don't spend your money on something that you will not look great in because if you have honest friends they will tell you how you REALLY look and you will end up sticking it in the back of your closet and you will never see it again! Spend wisely!
Step 2 : Preshop - I begin shopping for spring in January...and sometimes before. I go to youtube and look at the fashion shows for the upcoming season, I go online to see what the celebrities are wearing and what designers and fashion insiders are saying about the upcoming fashion season, and I have a subscription to over 5 fashion magazines. Once I get my magazines, I tear out the pages of the styles that I like and I began shopping! I go to the stores with my pages in my bag and try to find and price the item that I am looking for...then I wait.
Step 3: BE PATIENT - When you find the item that you have been obsessing about, your first impulse will be to buy it on the spot...DON'T do it; because if you begin your shopping early, chances are, the item will be full price. Retailers are banking on your impulsion and will be almost "willing" you to buy it right away. This is how you loose money. I know that waiting is the scary and risky part because if you go back a month later, they may not have your size or color, or worse, they may be sold out of the item. If you take the next step, however, this will not happen.
Step 4: Build Relationships with Retailers - I am always on the prowl for a good deal and innovative styles. Because I am always in stores pre-shopping, some of the retailers recognize me!!!! So I use this to my advantage and ask the person on the floor when the new merchandise is coming in and when the sales are going to be. Most of the sales people respond positively and let me know when the sales will be and I come back around that time to pick up whatever item I was looking for.
Step 5: Sign up for the Email Alerts and Exclusive Member Cards: Finally, most stores have an email list and/or special membership cards that will allow you to be the first to know about sales and other promotions happening at the store. These sales are sometimes exclusively for members so take advantage of these gifts. The snake skin shoes I blogged about earlier were $104 and I got them for $18 because they were on clearance (which I was notified about by email) and because I was an exclusive card member; I also bought the shoes on my birthday and my membership card afforded me an extra 15% off the clearance price. So next time the sales person asks you if you want to be on their email list...say YES!!
I have may more tips to share with you, but these five should get you started on your shopping adventures. Even though you may not have begun shopping or pre-shopping yet, don't fret, it is never too late to start looking stylish and most importantly, it is never too late to start saving some money!
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